Bride with bouquet at the church
Bride with bouquet at the church

Uniqueness is what a bride pursues; Her natural beauty is yet to be unveiled…

Nothing being overdone, but emphasizing on individual designs and detailing, Unveiled Moment Bridal’s collection brings that gorgeousness and stunning beauty the bride owns.

Unveiled Moment Bridal believes the right gown does not overpower, but demonstrates individuality, and perfect fit. It carries gowns with a wide selection of silhouettes, cutting, delicate materials, and intricate designs, which are available for rental, sale, and custom order on request. Unveiled Moment Bridal will share its professional advice, and creative ideas to fulfill the fancy of the bride accordingly.

Located in Lai Chi Kok, West Kowloon, Hong Kong, Unveiled Moment Bridal provides gown rental service for your Pre-wedding and Big Day, including wedding gown, evening gown, Chinese gown, Tuxedo, Mother-of- bride dress and Maid-of- honour dress. It carries wedding gowns and wedding dresses with a wide selection of silhouettes, cutting, delicate materials, and intricate designs, including mermaid gown, ball gown, A-line gown, off-the- shoulder style, vintage style, lace gown, simple cutting, low-back style and so on.

Leaded by our chief designer, Olivia Kok, our design team provides professional design and custom-made service for the bride who is looking for her unique wedding gown and evening gowns for her big day.

Besides gown rental, Unveiled Moment Bridal offers one-stop service with its own team of experienced photographers and make-up stylists to collaborate a unique and memorable wedding for each of the couples.

“獨一無二”是每位新娘所渴望追求的; 在揭開頭紗的一刻她的美就此綻放…

Unveiled Moment Bridal每件婚紗均著重獨特的設計及細節以配合每位新娘的氣質, 令新娘在婚禮上充滿自信地展現最美麗動人的一面, 為新娘錦上添花而又不會喧賓奪主。

Unveiled Moment Bridal深信只有能令新娘展現自我個性的婚紗才是待嫁新娘心目中最理想的嫁衣。Unveiled Moment Bridal備有多款不同設計、剪裁、用料及配飾的婚紗晚裝供準新娘揀選, 並有專業設計師可以為新娘度身訂造獨一無二的婚紗及晚裝。設計師即場為新娘提供最專業的意見以滿足每位新娘對婚紗的要求, 令新娘尋找到最合襯的婚紗。

位於香港西九龍荔枝角的Unveiled Moment Bridal婚紗店備有多款不同設計的婚紗、晚裝、中式裙褂、潮褂、新郎禮服及媽咪晚裝裙等供準新人Pre-Wedding或Big Day租借。 本店為新娘搜羅不同設計、用料、剪裁及配飾的婚紗, 包括魚尾婚紗、傘裙婚紗、A-line婚紗、一字肩婚紗、復古婚紗、蕾絲lace婚紗、長拖尾婚紗、簡約婚紗、美背婚紗等, 令準新娘可以在最舒適的環境下揀選最合襯的婚紗。

本婚紗店由總設計師Olivia Kok帶領的專業設計團隊為新娘度身訂造獨一無二的婚紗及晚裝, 令新娘在大日子綻放最美麗動人的一面, 明艷照人。

除租售婚紗晚裝外, Unveiled Moment Bridal亦有專業攝錄團隊及化妝造形師為準新人提供一站式新婚服務, 務求令每一對新人都有一個獨特難忘的婚禮。

Our Designer

Our designer Olivia Kok’s journey of becoming a fashion designer began from her experience sewing her first basic skirt —— an A-line, crepe back satin skirt.

Finding her interest and enjoying satisfaction in garment making, she pursued her study in fashion. Along the way developing skills in design, drafting, and technical construction, she discovered her passion in handling hand-sewing work, and re-designing unused apparel.

After her graduation from Kwantlen University College Vancouver, she enhanced her expertise in a job at a local designer bridal house. She made her first leap years later in designing and constructing wedding gowns and evening dresses for her relatives and friends, which triggered her to start up her own bridal business.

Olivia’s store offers sale, and rental service of wedding gowns and evening dresses, that are meticulously selected in stock, and are either designed or re-created by herself. Her store also offers custom-made service and welcomes any inspirational ideas.

Olivia listens to her brides and shares her thoughts and professional advice to assist brides finding the ideal gown. She pays attention to the fine details, and craftsmanship of her gowns, making sure that each piece demonstrates good quality and perfect fit.

“Unveiled your beauty in Unveiled Moment Bridal’s gowns.”

本店設計師Olivia Kok自小已經對時裝有濃厚的興趣, 她的第一件作品是一條A-line縐緞短裙, 自此, 她便立志要成為一位時裝設計師。

Olivia 在加拿大溫哥華Kwantlen University College修讀時裝設計, 進修各時裝設計、繪圖、紙樣製作、縫紉等課程。 畢業後, 她於當地一間婚紗專門店當助理設計師, 並開始為親友設計製作婚紗晚裝, 正式踏上成為婚紗設計師之路, 返港後開設自己的婚紗專門店 – Unveiled Moment Bridal。

Olivia的婚紗店設有婚紗晚裝禮服租售服務, 店內各婚紗禮服均由她親自搜羅, 精挑細選, 部份更是她親自設計或改造, 而她亦可為客人設計及度身訂造獨一無二的婚紗晚裝, 也歡迎客人來圖訂造。

Olivia不單著重每件婚紗晚裝的設計、用料、剪裁及工藝, 更會細心聆聽每位到訪客人對婚紗晚裝的要求, 並提供最專業的意見, 令每位準新娘都能在店內找到心中最理想的婚紗。

“來Unveiled Moment Bridal揀選婚紗, 讓你的美在揭開頭紗的一刻綻放。”