Located in Lai Chi KoK, West Kowloon, Hong Kong, Unveiled Moment Bridal provides gown rental service for your Pre-wedding and Big Day, including wedding gown, evening gown, Chinese gown, Tuxedo, Mother-of-bride dress and Maid-of-honour dress. We carry wedding gowns and wedding dresses with a wide selection of silhouettes, cutting, delicate materials, and intricate designs, including mermaid gown, ball gown, A-line gown, off-the-shoulder style, vintage style, lace gown, simple cutting, low-back style and so on.

位於香港西九龍荔枝角的Unveiled Moment Bridal婚紗店備有多款不同設計的婚紗、晚裝、中式裙褂、潮褂、新郎禮服及媽咪晚裝裙等供準新人Pre-Wedding或Big Day租借。 本店為新娘搜羅不同設計、用料、剪裁及配飾的婚紗, 包括魚尾婚紗、傘裙婚紗、A-line婚紗、一字肩婚紗、復古婚紗、蕾絲lace婚紗、長拖尾婚紗、簡約婚紗、美背婚紗等, 令準新娘可以在最舒適的環境下揀選最合襯的婚紗。

Our gown rental packages include all matching accessories (veils, head pieces, jewelries, and tuxedo bow/tie/cummerbund sets) at no additional costs.
