Located in Lai Chi KoK, West Kowloon, Hong Kong, Unveiled Moment Bridal provides gown rental service for your Pre-wedding and Big Day, including wedding gown, evening gown, Chinese gown, Tuxedo, Mother-of-bride dress and Maid-of-honour dress. We carry wedding gowns and wedding dresses with a wide selection of silhouettes, cutting, delicate materials, and intricate designs, including mermaid gown, ball gown, A-line gown, off-the-shoulder style, vintage style, lace gown, simple cutting, low-back style and so on.
位於香港西九龍荔枝角的Unveiled Moment Bridal婚紗店備有多款不同設計的婚紗、晚裝、中式裙褂、潮褂、新郎禮服及媽咪晚裝裙等供準新人Pre-Wedding或Big Day租借。 本店為新娘搜羅不同設計、用料、剪裁及配飾的婚紗, 包括魚尾婚紗、傘裙婚紗、A-line婚紗、一字肩婚紗、復古婚紗、蕾絲lace婚紗、長拖尾婚紗、簡約婚紗、美背婚紗等, 令準新娘可以在最舒適的環境下揀選最合襯的婚紗。
Our gown rental packages include all matching accessories (veils, head pieces, jewelries, and tuxedo bow/tie/cummerbund sets) at no additional costs.
Unveiled Moment Bridal showroom entrance with shop logo 準新娘可以在最舒適的環境下揀選最合襯的婚紗 Our showroom has a wide selection of gowns for rental or sale 本婚紗店備有多款不同婚紗禮服租售 Our showroom is spacious and welcoming for fitting and trial and consultation of our various services 本婚紗店地方寬敞, 環境舒適, 私隱度高, 準新人可以輕鬆試婚紗禮服 Besides wedding gowns, our showroom also offers wide range of evening gowns, Chinese gowns and tuxedos 除了婚紗, 本店亦備有多款新娘晚裝, 中式裙褂及新郎禮服